Toroazul Painting and Fine Arts
18 "  x  14 "
oil on canvas
Private collection
O Que a Bahiana Tem
40 "  x  30 "
acrylic on paper
Private collection
One of the living emblems of the city of  San
Salvador (Bahia) in Brazil is its women ---
especially the beautiful "bahianas"  wearing
their bright cotton fabrics, their regal
headresses, and  their colorful beads. In this
"genre" or "costumbrista" image I protrayed a
bahiana selling her  seafood  vatap
á on one
of the seaside bridges of this magical city.
The fishermen and villages of the
Caribbean have inspired many of
my paintings and drawings. I
painted this canvas during my
travels in the area of Barlovento on
the coast of Venezuela.
Paraguayan culture is rich in
musical rhythms and mythological
descriptions of reality. In this large
composition in red and blues, I
painted the mysterious legend of
ñandutí lacework, similar to the
Greek myth of Arachne and the
goddess Athena---the deity who
taught mankind the art of the loom.
The Paraguayan account is more of
a love story and it ends happily.
The Legend of Paraguayan Lace
24   "  x  30  "
acrylic on paper
Private collection
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